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Desktop Survival Guide by Graham Williams |
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Below is a detailed step-by-step guide for installing Rattle. Simpler instructions for installing Rattle are provided in previous sections for Ubuntu and Debian (Section A.3) and MS/Windows (Section A.4) and might be preferred to the more detailed discussion below.
For a particular operating system (e.g., GNU/Linux), be sure to follow the relevant instructions.
MS/Windows: run Glade3-3.6.1.exe |
source("http://www.ggobi.org/downloads/install.r") |
Mac/OSX: install the latest version of the GTK+ library, including libglade, by downloading the gtk2-framework.dmg package (under ``Other binaries'') from http://r.research.att.com/.
All Operating Systems: after installing GTK+ or any of the other libraries, be sure to restart the R console, if you have one running. This will ensure that R finds the newly installed libraries.
Debian: $ wajig install r-recommended |
MS/Windows: the binary distribution can be obtained from
the R Project
website. Download the self-installing package and open it--the
install process will begin. Generally, accept all of the default
options that are offered in the installation process.
MS/Windows: run R-2.11.1-win32.exe |
Mac/OSX: download the R-2.11.1.pkg package from CRAN or the development builds from http://r.research.att.com/ and install it.
All Operating Systems: to confirm you have installed R start up a Terminal and enter the command R (that's just the capital letter R). If the response is that the command is not found, then R is not yet installed!
R: > install.packages("RGtk2") |
R: > install.packages("RGtk2",repos="http://www.ggobi.org/r/") |
Debain: $ wajig install r-cran-gtk2 |
All Operating Systems: to confirm you have RGtk2 installed
enter the following R command:
R: > library(RGtk2) |
To automatically get all of the packages suggested by Rattle (and
suggested by its dependencies in turn), use the
Roption[]dependencies option. Otherwise list them all out in the
command (or even just list the ones we want for now):
R: > install.packages("rattle", dependencies=c("Depends", "Suggests")) |
R: > install.packages(c("ada", "amap", "arules", "bitops", "cairoDevice", "cba", "combinat", "doBy", "ellipse", "fEcofin", "fCalendar", "fBasics", "fpc", "gdata", "gtools", "gplots", "Hmisc", "kernlab", "mice", "network", "pmml", "randomForest", "reshape", "rggobi", "ROCR", "RODBC", "rpart", "RSvgDevice", "XML")) |
R: > install.packages("rattle", dependencies=c("Depends", "Suggests")) |
R: > install.packages("rattle", repos="http://rattle.togaware.com") R: > install.packages("pmml", repos="http://rattle.togaware.com") |
If these don't work for some reason you can also download the latest
version of the rattle package directly from
Togaware. Download either
the .tar.gz file for GNU/Linux and Mac/OSX, or the
.zip file for MS/Windows. Install the package from within
R: > install.packages("rattle_2.3.126.zip", repos=NULL) |
Mac: R CMD INSTALL rattle_2.3.126.tar.gz |
rattle_2.3.126.tar.gz.tar |
R: > library(rattle) |
R: > rattle() |
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