Desktop Survival Guide by Graham Williams |
Examples |
You can build a conditional tree using ctree from the party package:
library("party") load("wine.Rdata") wine.ctree <- ctree(Type ~ ., data=wine) pdf("graphics/rplot-ctree.pdf") plot(wine.ctree) |
> wine.ctree Conditional tree with 5 terminal nodes Response: Type Inputs: Alcohol, Malic, Ash, Alcalinity, Magnesium, Phenols, Flavanoids, Nonflavanoids, Proanthocyanins, Color, Hue, Dilution, Proline Number of observations: 178 1) Flavanoids <= 1.57; criterion = 1, statistic = 127.131 2) Hue <= 0.89; criterion = 1, statistic = 36.136 3)* weights = 47 2) Hue > 0.89 4)* weights = 15 1) Flavanoids > 1.57 5) Proline <= 714; criterion = 1, statistic = 82.158 6)* weights = 54 5) Proline > 714 7) Alcohol <= 13.05; criterion = 1, statistic = 20.638 8)* weights = 10 7) Alcohol > 13.05 9)* weights = 52 |